Touch Designer example: components, replicators and interfaces

By admin, 15 March, 2023

Touch Designer users share their work in various ways. You can find input and examples in the Derivate website, on GitHub, inside the application as reusable components. An example we are going to handle on this page is the "TouchDesigner SceneChanger" -  an alternative or elaborated use of switches from a previous example.

The screenshot above shows the interface of the example you can download at the bottom of this page. It is a videoswitcher, build with a reusable component that is well documented. We added a dynamic library to add movies from folders and implemented it into a graphic interface. First start off by following this tutorial on the use of "TouchDesigner SceneChanger". This component has a specific process that you have to follow to implement it in your project. Follow the steps carefully. 

We have extended this tutorial with operators that load the (image or video) files of a specific folder, respecting the process that we need for the Scenechanger. Naming operators in the correct way like "scenes", "scenetemplate"  or "myScene1" are crucial. 

The serie of files is loaded with a replicator, based on the number of files of the selected folder. Add extra files in the "assets" folder to see the effect. Also the buttons to change file are build with replicators. The Replicator COMP creates copies of a component, one for every row in a table or using a Number of Replicants parameter - it is the "for-loop" of operators.

These screenshots illustrate different networks that are included to build the interface. 

The interface operator contains three comtainer operators that are nested. Select an operator and scroll to get into the nested network. The three containers are: "container1" (containing the button to show or hide the controller), "back" (that shows an opviewer operator with the main video output in the background, connected with a python expression) and "controller"(that shows several paramater operators that are linked to the effects in our network). The interface itself is the operator that you can see by using the right mousse button and release on "view".


Download the example:

The "Touch Designer example: SceneChanger and interface project" can be dowloaded here.

A short resume of the tutorial file: 

"TouchDesigner SceneChanger" is the basis of this example. We have extended this tutorial with operators that load the (image or video) files of a specific folder, respecting the process that we need for the Scenechanger using the replicator operator.

How to create those components is out of the scope of the example but advanced users can find more information over here.